Our next Ablaze meeting will be held in the Youth Room on Tuesday, March 25 th from 6-7pm.

Loving and Serving our Community

Welcome to ABLAZE! All attendees of BCC are welcome to join this new group as we work together to love and serve our body and our community. Our group’s purpose is:

  1. To spur one another one toward love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24)

  2. To maintain and grow our zeal for the Lord (Romans 12:11, Jeremiah 20:9)

  3. To let our light shine before others that they may see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16, James 2:17)

We meet monthly to plan service projects, brainstorm ideas and encourage one another as we pursue living vibrant, Spirit-led lives. You can look for our next meeting on our Events page.

Get involved with ABLAZE

Recent ABLAZE Projects

Thank you to our wonderful church family for helping us to collect canned goods for White Mountain Community Food Bank in the month of August! We’re so glad to be able to bless a local food bank, especially one so close to us. To continue to help meeting hunger needs in our neighborhood, we’ll establish a permanent donation bin in our foyer. Donate canned goods there any time!

We are so excited to launch our new BCC Meal Train! Though members of our church have been providing meals during times of change or crisis for years, we’ve now expanded our train to include more participants, which will hopefully allow us to more easily and efficiently bear one another’s burdens in times of need. If you know of a need for meals here at BCC, please reach out to Pastor Erin or to Lacey R. to launch a meal train.

In November we provided an evening of free childcare, open to single moms and struggling families in our community. We had a blast caring for, playing games and doing crafts with 20 children from our community, and were glad for the opportunity to connect with new families and to be a blessing to them.

Here are some of the things we hope to see come to life in the coming months:

  1. Missionary Mail - Organizing the collection of encouraging letters to the missionaries we financially and prayerfully support, while also providing an opportunity to engage with the children of our fellowship about the importance of missions.

  2. Hygiene Kits for Convoy of Hope - Collecting and assembling items into convenient kits to be sent to Convoy of Hope, an organization that responds globally to the devastation caused by wars, hurricanes, etc. We look forward to helping provide tools to this ministry that provides needed items in the name of Jesus.

  3. Fellowship Opportunities - We’re looking for more ways to create opportunities for those within our church body to build meaningful friendships with one another.