This Week’s Announcements

Open an item below for additional information

  • Parents - please note that beginning November 17th, children will be going into Children’s Church at 10am to have more time to practice for their Christmas Program.

    You are welcome to check your children in prior to service starting.

  • Our Mid-Week Service is held on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8pm!

    Adults meet in the Sanctuary for a Bible Study lead by Pastor Rick.

    A second adult Bible Study is held in one of our classrooms for those who speak Spanish, headed up by our Spanish ministry.

    Students in grades 7-12 meet in the Youth Room for a fun night of games and study of God's word.

    Children ages 3+ meet in the KidZone for worship, games, activities and crafts that all support their weekly study lesson.

    You're invited and welcome to join us at any time!

  • BCC’s Kid’s Ministry will be performing their annual Christmas Program during our morning service on Sunday, December 15th!

    Parents - don’t forget to sign your children up to participate (at the KidZone check-in counter), and to have your children attend Sunday for practices.

  • Our annual Christmas Party will be held on Sunday, December 15th at 5pm! Everyone is invited to join us for a fun time of fellowship, and our White Elephant gift exchange game!

    Additional details to be provided in the coming weeks.

  • Our Youth Group (grades 7-12) will be having their Christmas Party during Wednesday night service on December 18th!

    Students, please feel free to bring a friend as we play Christmas games and have our White Elephant gift exchange!

  • All men are invited to our monthly Men's Study & Breakfast (7am on the first Saturday of each month), and our Men's Study & Dinner (6pm on the third Friday of each month).

    Join us for a time of fellowship and study of the word together!

  • Everyone is invited to a Card Party at 2pm on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month! Bring a snack to share, and feel free to invite a friend! Please speak with Martha if you have any questions about this fun event!

    Note: There will be NO CARD PARTY the fourth Friday of December.